Batman: The Animated Series All Seasons

Batman: The Animated Series
Series Batman: The Animated Series
Org Title Batman: The Animated Series
Rating 8.5
Ep/Seasons 85/4
Aired 1992-09-05 to 1995-09-15
Duration 22 Min
Genres Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama, Mystery, Hindi Web Series, All Web Series, Hindi Tv Shows, All Shows, Hindi Cartoons, All Cartoons, English Web Series, English Tv Shows, English Cartoons
Types NA
Languages Hindi-English (en)
Countries United States of America
Networks FOX,Fox Kids (US)
TaglinesTaglines: Out Of The Shadows.
Sources IMDB | TMDB
Companies: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Television
Stars: Kevin Conroy, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Bob Hastings, Loren Lester, Mari Devon, Robert Costanzo
Directors: Kevin Altieri, Boyd Kirkland, Frank Paur, Dan Riba
Writers: Paul Dini, Michael Reaves, Randy Rogel, Brynne Stephens
Tags: detective, asylum, deformation, superhero, based on comic, organized crime, robin, super power, super villain, gotham city, parents murdered, dc animated universe (dcau)

Description: Vowing to avenge the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne devotes his life to wiping out crime in Gotham City as the masked vigilante "Batman".



Author: GenerationofSwine
Honestly, I don't think you are going to find a bad review here. This is what happens when cartoons hit their apex.It is stylistic and well animated, visually a pleasure to watch. It gives off a film noir Bogart feel without actually pinning down what era it takes place in... which sets the mood from the opening credits.The episodes have an actually plot and one that works for, mind the cliche, children of all ages... including children of an adult age. It's never too dark too be inappropriate for kids, and it's never too silly to be boring for teens and adults. It seamlessly walks that happy medium without ever being boring or crossing too far in one direction or the other.The tone fits the plot, the tone fits the characters, the tone creates the atmosphere that draws you in and it all comes with superb voice acting.

Batman: The Animated Series Seasons List